• P.O Box, 119267, Kampala - Uganda
  • +256-782-312-068 | +256-701-158-379
  • [email protected]

Recent News

"Run for Water" Marathon


As the name states it – on Sunday 20th October, 2019 everyone ran for a purpose and this one was to bring piped water to Grace High School in Gayaza – Bulamu. Over 300 people showed up at the school in bibs, trackpants, shorts, runners to take on the long track – 5KM and 10KM – pick what you can manage was the advice given. The track was muddy since it had rained that morning and what was supposed to start at 8:25AM, began at 11AM. Tickets cost between 10,000UGX and 50,000UGX – something for everyone. Eventually, over 4M shillings was raised from this event.

Big thanks go to Ambassadors of Hope, Shammah High School, African Outreach Academy, Watoto Cell Namavundu, Gugudde TV which did coverage, and C.O.U among others that offered their full support to make this marathon a success.

Phase II of this marathon will take place this year 2020 and it will be communicated. Plan to take part. Help us bring piped water to Grace High School – Gayaza – Bulamu. 

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School fees


Second school fees installments are due

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Parent's workshop and health eating


For the whole week starting 24th july, we will be focusing on healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. On the 2nd july, we offer parents and opportunity ro meet with a nutritionist to hear their professional advice

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