
About Us

Our Story

The Beginning of Ambassadors of Hope
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings. For it is God who wants to do powerful things in
you and through you." Anonymous quote 
Uganda, in 1984 was a tumultuous and turbulent time. The harsh winds of the recent liberation
war, extreme poverty, hunger, and now a new and unknown disease called HIV/AIDS swept the
Ugandan Children were especially vulnerable to what was happening around them, and their
lives lacked the basic necessities.
Lack was the word of the day—lack of shelter, food, medical care, and education. The AIDS
epidemic made hundreds and later thousands of children orphans.
Mummy Robinah and her fledgling organization were overwhelmed by the task that they were
facing. Ugandan Children were suffering all-around them. A house was purchased in Kikoni near
Makerere University and the Makerere Full Gospel Church. 
A group of dedicated and selfless men and women banded together and created Ambassadors of
Hope. As a registered NonProfit Organization, they could legally look after the needs of the
children that daily came to their doorsteps.
From those days small beginnings, Ambassadors of Hope has brought Hope in tangible ways to
thousands of children. Hope made real by accepting and nurturing needy children. Providing
them with shelter, food, and sound education in a nurturing Christian environment. 
Ambassador of Hope accepted children from all backgrounds and beliefs. More than anything
else, Ambassadors of Hope became a Home for the least, last, and lost, orphans and abandoned
children who were in abundance in the 1980s. 
Mummy Robinah's slogan was: " If you are not giving, you are not living." That has been and is
at present one of Core Values of Ambassador of Hope.
For over 35 years, Ambassadors of Hope has empowered vulnerable children with Christian Life
Skills that give them a future and a hope. Beyond an Education, there is vocational skill training,
University Education, and assistance in job placement. 
It all begins with a Child in Need, a child without Hope and support. Ambassadors of Hope
affirms children, one child, at a time with Love and care. Provides them with an education that
brings to light the God-given potential within. 
Against all the odds that many children in Uganda face. Ambassadors affirms them toward a life
filled with meaning through Personalized care beyond the norm. The result has been Ambassador
of Hope Children becoming Doctors, Lawyers, Educators, Business Men and Women. Most of
all, caring parents that pass on what they learned while being part of the Ambassador of Hope
Family. A Family that remains available beyond the formative years since most often it is the
only Family that the children have ever known.


What makes us different

For over three decades, ambassadors of Hope have made real and visible to needy Children the Love of God. The organization has remained faithful and true to its core values. The Focus of all who make up Ambassadors of Hope is to empower children to rise to their God-given potential.

Since 1985 Ambassadors has faithfully passed on the life-giving Love of God to the least, last, and lost vulnerable children of Uganda. Children from various backgrounds but all with the need to reach their potential in life. When the child is enrolled in the system, it isn't just about their education but also their health, helping them with challenges that children face. Peer-to-Peer Care is one of the educational components that has set Ambassadors of Hope apart from other educational programs

Our Vision

To help children, help themselves to be able to help others.

Our Mission

To train children in the right way so that when they grow they will train their own and other children in the same values. That way they are agents of change. We are leaving better children for our world.

What We Believe

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).